It’s general conference weekend.

Do you ever have that moment where you realize just how much you don’t know?

I once had someone start talking to me and they said, “I just heard of a school that is trying out not assigning homework. I’m interested to see what happens, cuz I’ve always thought homework is a waste of time!”

This person didn’t realize that as an educator, I had read countless studies and attended trainings about the complex topic of the pros and cons of homework.

Plus, various schools have already been trying it out for years.

But this topic was completely new for this one person.

We don’t know what we don’t know.

And I’ve felt exactly the same way when I’ve listened to a speaker, brought up a problem to someone who already has the solution, or wondered about a topic only to find out people have already come to great conclusions.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8)

Can you imagine how much more the Lord knows than we do?!

We’re like, “Hey, I think I’ve figured out how mercy works!” Or “Wow, I think I got a glimpse of true charity!” Or “Oh, THAT’s how you make fasting meaningful!”

And His way of thinking and understanding is so much infinitely more than what we can even realize.

But He’ll help us out and give us glimpses of His ways.

Personal revelation is huge for this.

But so are other opportunities where people have been given priesthood authority to receive revelation that will also enrich, enlighten, and educate us.

And that’s what general conference is.

A chance to hear from men and women who are speaking with priesthood authority.

People who are assigned by the prophet of God to put in the work to receive revelation for the general population of the church.

We’ve got a chance to learn what other people have learned about God’s ways.

We’ve got a chance to learn what He has already taught them about where we might be lacking in God’s ways.

It’s a time to gather, reflect, and receive directions that we may not even know we need yet.

General conference helps us learn the Lord’s ways just a little bit better.

Who is ready to go?!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I often get that AH HA moment listening to conference, even when the subject is one I’ve heard a thousand times before… And I realize it’s NOW that message is what I needed to hear. It’s like Heavenly Father thumps my ear and tells me to listen…. And … HEAR.

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