Do you think there were people who chose not to go to Jesus and be healed?

People who sat at home, not wanting anyone to know that they had been clumsy and twisted their ankle again.

People who were sure their cough would pass on its own, so they didn’t need any help.

People who didn’t want their own family members to know they had been suffering with something that they desperately wanted healed.

“All the city was gathered together at the door.” (Mark 1:33)

Many flocked toward Jesus, begging to be healed.

But that meant that those people admitted they needed healing in the first place.

We all have those “weaknesses” that we are happy to publicly talk about.

Oh yes, I sometimes zone out during my prayers, too!

But what about the stuff that’s harder to admit?

The stuff that we don’t share about nonchalantly in a Sunday School class.

When we try to hide it from other people, do we mistakenly think that we can hide it from God, too?

Bringing our sins and our sicknesses and our weaknesses to the Lord requires a bit of vulnerability and humility.

It requires that we admit that there’s something that actually needs fixing.

It requires that we acknowledge that even if we COULD solve something on our own, everything is always better with Jesus.

Jesus heals.

He heals it all.

He takes our burdens and our yoke upon Him.

So will we go to Him?

Will we rise up and follow where He leads?

Will we admit that we have something that needs healing?

Will we allow the Master Healer to do what He longs to do?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Callie, I’m 80 years old and love your snippets. This one struck deep in my soul because of course lots is aging in my body and not only do I put off going to the doctor, I don’t want to bother the Lord with it either. Big mistake, right? Just never realized I’ve been hiding my vulnerability.

    1. I think a lot of us are guilty of not wanting to “bother” the Lord, but we are never bothering Him when we turn to Him for help! <3

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