Did you know staplers get jammed if you try to staple bubble wrap?

I learned that last week as I attempted to assemble 100 invitations.

I had all the supplies ready and the deadline was looming—

The invites were printed, I had cut up the bubble wrap into the correct shapes, and my stapler was totally loaded with new staples.

And then I tried the first one.

And my stapler jammed.

As a former teacher, I unjammed that stapler like it was nothing, and tried again.


I didn’t believe it, and tried an embarrassingly large amount of times before I realized the stapler wasn’t going work.

How I was going to attach the bubble wrap to the invites?!

That was probably one of the silliest prayers I’ve ever offered as I sent my plea heavenward.

But it also really mattered to me.

I needed to solve the problem quickly.

What about rolled up scotch tape?

I found a roll that was almost out in the bottom of a drawer and tried it out.

It worked great, it held the bubble wrap, and you could hardly notice it. Score!

I got to work rolling and taping and sticking, sure that this roll of tape was going to run out at some point during the 100 invites.

But it never ran out.

I completed everything on time.

One of the most freeing things I’ve learned is that my Heavenly Father cares about all the little details of my life. ⁣

I don’t ONLY need to talk to my Father in prayer about “spiritual” matters or deep life questions.

”If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5)

I love the empowerment that comes from knowing that I can ask for help any time I lack wisdom in any aspect of my life. ⁣

And I love those little moments where I know God is looking out for me in something that might seem so silly, but that really matters to me.

It’s about asking.

Joseph Smith asked a question and it changed the world.

I asked a question and I was able to attach bubble wrap to a piece of paper for an important invite.

And God cares about it all.

All we need to do is ask.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Now I’m curious what the invite looked like and why the bubble wrap.
    I certainly appreciate your spiritual thoughts and almost always forward them to my kids, one who is on a mission in Kentucky, knowing he could use it as a lesson help.

  2. Great snippet! And it’s so true. The times I have stopped to ask to have help finding my keys, or something else I’ve lost, Heavenly Father has answered me! It’s an amazing gift! The trick is to REMEMBER to turn to him when things happen that you need help with. It’s a beautiful blessing that takes practice. Thanks!

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