We escaped the Arizona valley heat yesterday for a quick day trip up north to the mountains.

The smell of fresh trees is literally one of my favorite smells ever.

The red-ish brown bark of the trees, the bright green leaves, the sharp gray rocks.

It was just beautiful and peaceful.

Quin kept saying, “The blue sky is so beautiful!”

I couldn’t help but just stare at the trees and think, “This has to be a gift from God.”

There is too much beauty. Too much design. Too much life.

It’s the most obvious sign I can think of that a loving Heavenly Father and Savior exist.

All things denote there is a God.

So if you’ve been feeling a little disconnected from God lately –

If you’ve been wanting to ask God for a sign that He is there – not in the prideful way Korihor did, but in the faith-filled, “I really need a reminder that you are there and you love me” way –

Give nature a try.

Nature is His sign.

And maybe that’s why I love the smell of the trees so much.

Because it reminds me of other times when I’ve been in the forest, away from distractions and obligations, completely surrounded by pure, untouched creations.

And I’ve felt His Spirit and His love.

Need a sign? Need some proof?

???? Head outside. ????

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I live in the White Mountains of Arizona, I agree with you in many ways. The beauty of the earth, the sound of the pines when the wind blows and the 4 seasons. All proclaim there is a God and this world was created for us. Thank you for your uplifting and encouraging messages each day!

  2. Much of Nature is indeed lovely, but when she reveals her dark side (“nature, red in tooth and claw”) it can also remind you of the terrifying power of God, and yet, our God has both aspects, just as we do in our ‘natural man’ behaviors we ask for relief from through prayer and obedience to the commandments and the word of wisdom. At 67, I have seen both sides of life, and there is much to revere and much to respect. To be human is to need forgiveness. If we find ourselves far from God, who moved?

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