I recently had the chance to look back on some writing that I did a few years ago.

This writing included some of my thoughts on various gospel topics.

There were a lot of things that I was really impressed that I had written, and I was very proud of past-Cali!

But there were other things that I thought and wrote that made me literally cringe.

Some judgmental things, superficial things, things that I clearly had not really thought through but was just repeating what I had heard…

It was honestly a little weird to read some things.

And the reason it seemed so weird to me is because I have changed and grown so much on a spiritual level!

My soul has been stretched and refined and my testimony has gained more depth and love.

And looking at my words I had written years ago, I had this solid proof of just how far my spiritual maturity has come.

When I read the words of Psalm 66:16, I can’t help but add my testimony to it:

“Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.”

How has God changed you from who you were 10 years ago? 5 years ago? 1 year ago? Last week?

What has He forgiven you of?

What understanding has He given you?

What refining has He done?

What questions has He answered?

What love has He put into your heart?

What has God done for your soul?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. It’s so funny that you bring this up! I’ve been going thru my old blog this week looking for pictures of my senior (thank goodness for blogs!) and yikes! Super cringy writing! But it’s lovely to see how I’ve matured spiritually and also things I miss about that girl sharing her thoughts in a blog only 3 people read – 2 of which were grandparents!

  2. I remember serving my mission and thinking, “I wish people could see what’s in my heart and brain and understand all of the things that I do.” I laugh at that now, because I can see how much I’ve grown and how limited my “grand” understanding was back then compared to now. I am thankful for stretching and growing and progressing and I hope that in 5, 10, 50 years, I will continually look back and see the growth. Thank you for your thoughts and the way you so beautifully put into words ideas that speak to my soul.

  3. After 37 years of alcoholism curtain things in my life happened and now I don’t drink and have my CTR “current temple recommend” life is much greater when you try to live by gospel principles.

  4. Cali,

    You are such an amazing daughter of God. I have noticed this myself, and the way you expressed about yourself, helped me to feel good about myself because I have experienced recently the same thing. I’m comfortable to know that I have made mistakes and they I have changed enough to recognize many things. It truly inspires me to become even better every day. Thanks for your willingness to express your genuine heart and help us to learn along the way.

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