Can I offer an alternate commentary on this popular verse we are studying week?

I’ve heard it said that we’re in the middle of a loneliness pandemic and I certainly see the evidence for that all around me.

Just these past few weeks, I’ve had to ask for a lot of favors and help from friends, and each time I feel a little bit guilty because shouldn’t I be able to be self-sufficient?

For some reason, we think that we need to do everything all on our own.

And this causes us to stay to ourselves more, and then it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle.

I have been blessed with some amazing friends and family who are willing to help me out when needed, and I hope I’m able to offer that in return as much as possible!

But when we go through really tough times, it’s hard to remember that there are more “with us” than those who are “with them”.

We know that there are more on the other side who are supporting us, loving us, and cheering us on.

But there are still a lot of people who are with the “other side”. Or at least not with us.

But I couldn’t help but ponder on the word MORE.

What if MORE wasn’t just referring to quantity, but instead referring to the vastly superior quality?

God will always be MORE than anyone else.

Temple covenants will always be more.

Priesthood power will always be more.

Unshakable faith will always be more.

Love of God and love of others will always be more.

Eternal families will always be more.

Selfless service and sacrifice will always be more.

Obedience to a loving Heavenly Father will always be more.

When we are on God’s side, we will always have more and be more than enough.

The numbers and quantities don’t really matter.

Plus there’s always room for more on God‘s side anyways!

We know what our eternal destiny can be.

And it will always be more than what anyone else has to offer.

“Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6:16)

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. Nicely said.
    I love looking at verses, then intentionally shifting the emphasis to different words. The meaning changes sometimes.

    My favorite to do this with is:
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    I CAN do…….. failure is not an option.
    I can do ALL……….. even the hard stuff
    I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST…. only through him, not on my own.
    …….who STRENGTHENS ME……. He doesn’t do it for me, but makes me stronger by His strength.


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