When I earned my education degree at BYU, I was honestly shocked to figure out how much went in to teaching a “good lesson”.

So many factors to consider, so many strategies to try, so many ways to craft a lesson plan to optimize engagement and learning.

It was fascinating to me.

Especially because growing up in the church, we put everyone in “teaching” callings and call it a day!

But there is so much research behind how to actually be a good teacher, and it blew my mind.

I loved learning it, and I loved putting it into practice.

Here’s the thing about church teaching assignments, though.

You don’t have to know anything about the most up-to-date pedagogy.

In one of the most comforting verses for teachers ever, the Lord reminds us:

“Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you”. D&C 88:78

Diligent teachers have the Lord’s grace with them.

Grace that covers gaps in teaching skills, or engagement strategies, or even doctrinal knowledge.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love learning from masterful teachers.

But I’ve had great teachers who focus on entertainment more than bringing the spirit.

And I’ve had humble teachers who probably read too much during the lesson, ask obvious questions, or don’t really engage as well as they could, where the Spirit still speaks powerful words to me because I can tell they are doing their best.

Feel like you aren’t the best teacher, and yet you’ve been asked to teach?

The Lord’s grace will attend you.

I’ve felt this time and time again as I’ve taught, sometimes using my best teaching strategies, and other times being pulled in a totally different direction.

If we as teachers are diligent in our preparation, both of the material and of our hearts, the Lord’s grace will cover any gaps.

And His Spirit will do the real teaching.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. Thank you! This was exactly what I needed to read this morning. I was recently called as an earlier morning seminary teacher and to say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. But this brought peace to my heart.

    1. I’m also a early morning seminary teacher! I start in the morning! It brought me peace also. I was feeling stressed and then saw this email. Heavenly Father knows what we need to see and hear! Good luck with your class! This is my third year as a seminary teacher. I love it! I definitely lean more from my students though!

  2. I was called to teach Sunday School, others teachers were intelligent, witty, brought neat visuals…but I wanted to be like a teacher from my previous ward. His suggestion rang truth…teach what and where the Spirit leads you. Study your lesson, read and ponder it and the Spirit will guide. It was the best advice I got. Many times our class learned more from each other than I could impart.

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