The Children of Israel ate manna every single day.

Sure, they complained about it.

But they still ate the miraculous manna from heaven. Every day.

“Manna” is usually compared to the “daily” gospel stuff we are asked to do.

Prayer. Scripture study. Pondering. Service.

(Cue the guilt.)

If we use this analogy, then technically, the Israelites WERE doing all those things each day.

But what was their attitude about it?

“There is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes.” (Numbers 11:6)

They had completely lost their GRATITUDE for the daily miracles.

They interacted with God so consistently that they forgot to feel grateful for the interactions.

So are we forgetting how miraculous it is to have scriptures?

What a miracle it is that we even have access to these ancient texts?

What a miracle it is that we can be taught and guided by their words?

What a miracle it is that we are able to approach the God of all the universe in individual prayer?

Here’s what I’ve found:

When I remember what a miracle each of these daily touch points are, I can’t help but feel overwhelming gratitude.

And when I feel that gratitude, I am more likely to actually study my scriptures or say my prayers.

Gratitude is a beautiful motivation to interact with the divine each day.

I am grateful for all the ways I get to connect with heaven each day.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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