There was one particular service activity on a Saturday morning I attended as a youth that I grudgingly pulled myself out of bed and went to.

It was early, it was outside, and I had a million other things to do.

When I arrived, I was disappointed to learn that none of my friends from my ward had even showed up, even though they said they would.

Sooooo I spent the rest of the activity performing service with a not-so-great attitude.

Annoyed that I had come, tired, cold, and a little bit sore from all the hard work.

Clearly, I was missing the entire point of the service activity, and my heart certainly was not happy.

The Lord taught the Israelites to serve the poor and needy in their community.

“Thou shalt surely give him, and thine hearth shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him”. (Deuteronomy 15:10)

We are asked to give freely to those who are need, which is so important.

But we also need to make sure our hearts are not grieved, annoyed, or resentful when we give service.

So would it have been better to just sleep in that Saturday morning and not go to the service project? (Like all my friends decided to do?!)

I don’t think so.

Service was still performed. Someone else got to feel gratitude for a lightened load. The leaders who had organized it didn’t have to sacrifice as much time away from their families because so many youth bailed.

And it has now become an anchor learning opportunity for me about how NOT to perform service.

(But just to be clear, that was not an immediate lesson I learned. Reflection and growth take time and maturity!)

I still try to show up to things, even when I don’t totally feel like it because I know at least other people’s loads get lightened.

But it’s so much better when I prepare my heart and mind with love beforehand!

Giving with a happy and willing heart makes all the difference.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Always enjoy your snippets. I appreciate how relatable they are to our lives and the scriptures. Thanks for your time to write these.

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