My daughter is super into play-doh right now.

She’s really good at rolling out the different colored play-dohs, pressing them into molds, and folding them into “tacos”.

She’s still learning how to clean it up, though.

A few hours after we play with play-doh, I inevitably find little “tacos” that fell underneath the table. They are a little crusty around the edges, but I usually try to squish them back into a container.

But after repeating this too many times, the play-doh becomes hardened to the point that I have to throw it away.

It doesn’t usually happen all at once. It’s a gradual process, becoming just a little more difficult to mold each time.

Whereas the play-doh that’s been put away nicely each time is still perfectly moldable.

It might be a silly analogy, but to me it’s the perfect representation of how our hearts and desires can change over time.

We are all little balls of clay that are being exposed to the harsh air of mortality – we’re naturally going to start to harden around the edges if we aren’t put away in a secure container.

We are given two choices:

Repent or become hardened.

When we keep repenting and changing, we allow those little rough bits to be picked out.

We show that we are willing to continue being molded into something better than the “taco” we might harden into. (I know, tacos are fantastic. But we can become even better than tacos, imagine that!) 

So what are we doing to prevent our hearts from naturally hardening?

Exposing our minds to harsh worldly entertainment, constant debates on social media, or rude attitudes will eventually keep us from being molded as easily.

And the key to preventing this?

Constant repentance. CONSTANT repentance.

Constantly changing and constantly being molded into something new at the hands of our Savior.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. Thank you for your insight. Each day it’s a little light in my life. You are so talented and have such a gift with your analogies! I know you are blessing and encouraging many people to press forward and become more converted. Bless you!

  2. I agree, Cali. Your posts are one of the highlights of my days! I often share before evening prayer with my family, however sometimes I can’t wait that long and burst out sharing with whomever is within eat shot right after I read your words of wisdom.

  3. Thank you so much for your insights! I really enjoy reading them and sharing with my family during scripture study. Very uplifting and there’s always something I need to hear and often share with others who may need to hear as well. Thanks!

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