I thought I would spend this week thinking a lot about heaven, the three kingdoms, and what life will be like in the future.

But I ended up just thinking a lot about Jesus.

Joseph and Sidney saw this vision, this glorious vision about… like, everything. Where did we come from. Why are we here. Where are we going. All the “big questions”.

And yet, the very first thing they did while writing down the vision was to testify that they saw Jesus.

They saw Him in vision.

That’s what they shared first.

They beheld His glory.

They saw the angels worshipping Him.

And then, Joseph and Sidney took time to officially bear their testimony of the Savior.

They bore a personal testimony that Jesus Christ, who was killed, lives today.

He is sitting right next to our Heavenly Father.

He created this world that we live on now, and He has created other worlds.

And after listing all these magnificent and powerful qualities of the Savior of the world?

A sweet reminder that we are Children of God, too.

Joseph and Sidney then continued to record the rest of their vision that brought so much new understanding to the Plan of Happiness.

(Which also totally revolves around Jesus, see my post from Monday, cuz this really has been on my mind all week!)

But they felt compelled to accentuate their narration of the vision with their own personal feelings and knowledge about the Savior.

He is real.

He lives and has created so much.

And He also loves us personally.

And if it’s tough to really believe this still, then we can borrow from Joseph and Sidney’s powerful joint testimony.

I know that my redeemer lives.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. The minute I started reading D&C 76:1, I was amazed at the language and the power and of what I was learning. I stopped and got my pen and started underling each attribute of Jesus Christ that He tells us here! It is all so powerful and what a description of Our Savior!! I will never think of Section 76 as only the description of the 3 kingdoms, but first it is a testimony of who Christ our Savior is!!

    1. Yes! I love that you noticed so quickly and acted on the prompting to focus on the attributes of Jesus Christ during your scripture study. <3

  2. Love this so much Cali. You sweet angel. Thanks for sharing your insights. They mean so much to me❤️????

  3. I have been a member since 1959, but you have taught me SO MUCH.
    Thank you for your wonderful snippets, and your insights.
    With love, Your sister in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

    1. Thank you so much for studying and learning along with me! I’m so grateful that we can grow and learn together.

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