This week threw a curveball at me that made an already busy week completely exhausting.

As I rushed to get ready one morning, everything piled together in my mind.

The list of everything I had to do. The emotions people around me were feeling. The feeling that I would not make it through the day.

This scripture that we’ve been studying this week came to my mind:

“And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs”. (Mosiah 24:14)

⁣I decided that morning to test it.

I knew I still needed to face my problems that day.

But could He really take the FEELING of the burden away without actually solving any of my problems?

I closed my eyes and pictured myself carrying the burdens that seemed to be weighing me down.

And I pictured myself waking humbly up to my Savior…

And setting it all down at His feet.

I said, “I know everything I need to do and manage and handle today.

“But I’m going to leave the feeling of being burdened at your feet.”

I pictured myself walking away, and I took a deep breath.

I felt lighter.

Like, literally, I felt like an actual physical load had been taken off my back.

I said a prayer of gratitude and went on with my day.

My list didn’t change that day, but I was SHOCKED at the miracles that kept piling up.

Like, I said I was going to test this theory with my Savior, and it’s like He was saying “Prove me herewith”.

I can’t list or share all the miracles, but I’ll just say that ONE of them was my ministering sister texting me and telling me that she had “randomly” ordered pizza to be delivered to my home that night.

I floated through that difficult day.

Jesus really means what He says.

If we, who are heavy laden, come to Jesus and really set the weighty, overwhelming feelings down at His feet, He will give us rest.

Not rest in the way you may think or want.

(I’m still hoping I can find time to take a nap in the next couple days, but it’s not looking hopeful…)

But that rest for the soul was all that I really needed.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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