Can you imagine?

Mosiah’s sons were wicked and actively destroying the church that Mosiah had worked to establish.

He felt pain and sorrow for their souls.

And then, the unimaginable happened! An angel appeared to his sons, and their hearts were softened.

Not only were they converted, his sons now traveled throughout Zarahemla trying to repair the damage they had done.

I bet Mosiah was so proud of them. I bet interacting with them brought him so much joy now.

And then his sons approached their dad with a request – to go to the Land of Nephi. To go to those bloodthirsty Lamanites who had killed so many of their brethren, and try to convert them.

It says Mosiah’s sons “did plead with their father many days”.

I’m guessing Mosiah said “no” a lot. It was a death sentence for his now righteous and kind and selfless sons and he didn’t want them to leave.

But eventually, Mosiah decided to take it to the Lord.

The answer?

Let them go. I will keep them safe.

And so Mosiah told them they could go.

Mosiah died before they returned.

He never knew what happened to his sons.

But he let them go, because the Lord said He would keep them safe.

Mosiah knew what faith was. He listened to the Lord and actually believed what the Lord told him.

Mosiah knew what sacrifice was. He had just gotten his righteous sons back, and now they needed to leave.

Mosiah’s faith and sacrifice would result in his sons converting thousands and thousands of people.

But he didn’t necessarily know the extent of what would happen.

He just did what the Lord asked, and believed in the promises he was given.

Our faith and our sacrifices might seem small – but they are setting the stage for something greater than we can even imagine.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. This brings me to tears. I have always felt this way about Mosiah, but I could never put it into words—thanks so much for this beautiful post that does.

  2. Thank you for your insightful words – you bring such depth to my study of the BOM – your insights are heartfelt and filled with the spirit!

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