Can you imagine putting on a giant breastplate, covering your feet, holding a shield, placing a helmet over your head, and trying to wield a sword, all at the same time?!

I can see the picture in my head, and I would look ridiculous.

I can imagine others looking at me with all my armor on.

“That looks so restrictive!”

“How do you have any fun with that stuff on?!”

“What are you preparing for? Nobody is coming.”

Similarly, to keep God’s spiritual armor on, I’m trying to learn truths, share the gospel, keep the Spirit with me, be righteous, and increase my faith daily.

It’s a lot of work to actively decide to wear it every single day.

So why do I choose to put that armor on and keep it on?

“Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand.” (D&C 27:15)

It’s all more than worth it when the tough times come zooming at me all at once, and my time for preparation is suddenly gone.

When the health challenges, the huge life decisions, the sorrows, the heartbreaking events, and the overwhelming days start piling on…

I’m grateful for the heavy suit of armor I’ve built around myself.

Sure, the armor might seem restrictive to an outsider.

But when the fiery darts start to come, as they always do, boy, am I grateful for my preparation of spiritual armor.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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