My kids are OBSESSED with playing hide and seek right now.

While my daughter is great at playing it, my two year old son cracks me up.

He’s not very quiet when he hides.

“Quin, look in the bathroom!”

But also, when it’s his turn to be the “seeker”, he gets frustrated pretty quickly.

After a few hurried seconds of looking around, he’ll start to call out:

“Where are you?!”

It makes me laugh.

His little two year old brain isn’t quite ready for the stamina of really looking for us.

Do you ever feel like feeling the Spirit isn’t as easy as you would like?

Maybe you are standing there, along with my son, yelling, “Where are you?!”

In my life, I’ve learned that in order to feel the Spirit, I have to actually seek out opportunities or situations to feel it.

I have to do the work!

Sometimes it just “happens” as I go throughout my day.

But a lot of times it doesn’t.

I’ve learned I need to actively choose to pray for the Spirit, invite Him, ask for His validation, seek advice, and so much more.

The Lord teaches us that He wants us to “Seek ye me, and ye shall live”. (Amos 5:4)

Seek implies action.

If we want more of the Savior’s influence in our lives, then we need to be going out of our way to make our life a place where the Savior and His Spirit could stay.

It takes work and effort.

“The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can’t come without it.” – President Nelson

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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