Does your location affect how you feel the Spirit?

We talk a lot about “holy places” – our homes, temples, sacred locations, meetinghouses. ⁣

I want to take a look at Stephen.

They can’t even mention him in the scriptures without talking about how “full of the spirit” he was.

He wasn’t an apostle – just a good guy who followed through on promptings and assignments. ⁣

The local government was getting a little nervous.

So they set up some false witnesses against him, and tried him before the council. ⁣

Here, in this government building, surrounded by people who were literally out to get his life, he delivered a beautiful sermon about how people have always doubted the prophets. ⁣

He told stories. He referred to scripture.

Stephen was so full of the Holy Spirit that he looked up.

And he saw Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of God the Father. ⁣

Did it matter where Stephen was? ⁣

No. ⁣

All that mattered was that Stephen was so full of the Holy Ghost. ⁣

Although I don’t want to diminish the power that comes from being in the temple or in a Spirit-filled home, we do not have to be in those locations to have life-changing spiritual experiences. ⁣

All that matters is that we are keeping ourselves filled with the Holy Spirit. ⁣

It’s not likely to always result in a visitation from the Father and the Son, but we can get what we need in that moment. ⁣

Stephen probably needed this vision to get him through the events that followed. ⁣

And we can receive light, knowledge, revelation, comfort and peace no matter where we are. ⁣

Driving in our car. At work. Making lunch for a toddler. Hanging out with a friend. ⁣

All we need for that deep connection is to invite the Spirit to always be with us.

And our loving Father in Heaven will give us what we need from there.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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