My amazing podcast co-host Kristen started a powerful tradition at the end of each One Minute Scripture Study guest episode.

We always ask our guests, no matter what the topic of their interview was…

“How do you #HearHim?”

It seems like a simple question, but I have been fascinated by the range of answers we’ve received!

I went back to all of our interviews and rounded up what some of our guests have said:

I hear Him when I slow down and write in my journal each day. -Ben Schilaty

I hear Him in the fitness room. -Melinda Brown

I hear Him in the sunrise, good music, and my granddaughters. -Elaine Dalton

I hear Him by seeing and visualizing Him. -Brooke Snow

I hear Him when I feel peace in something I’m doing. -Brian Hales

I hear Him when I exercise. -Skye Fagrell

I hear Him when I look for the little miracles all around me, and when I’m woken up with a scripture in my mind in the middle of the night. -Kay West

I hear Him when I read the scriptures and take time to stop and think about them. -Kerry Muhlestein

I hear Him by realizing He is already speaking to me, I just have to tune in and focus. -Aaron Franklin

Aren’t those beautiful answers?

My answer when Kristen first asked me that same question?

You may be able to guess it, but hands down, I hear Him the most when I am immersed in the scriptures, writing notes down, and praying about what I am learning.

The Lord warns: “And whoso receiveth not my voice is not acquainted with my voice, and is not of me.” D&C 84:52

Are we acquainted with His voice?

Because He is speaking. He is there. He is guiding and comforting and loving.

We aren’t trying to get Him to talk.

Instead, we are trying to listen.

And that’s going to look a little differently for everyone.

We listen in ways that get us aligned with God and help us invite His spirit.

So I’d love to make this a giant post today.

I want to grow this comment list infinitely long in hopes that we can inspire someone to try a new way of listening that might be just the thing that helps them tune in even better to the Divine.


How do YOU #HearHim?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



53 Responses

  1. I hear him when I can’t get a Primary song or hymn out of my head. Then I focus on what I need to learn or remember from that song.

  2. I hear Him mostly through music! If I wake up in the middle of the night there is ALWAYS a song in my mind! I have received so many revelations and answers to prayers through music and I always feel His love for me through music.

  3. I’m a new temple worker! I’ve trained 4 times! I’m so very happy to be in the temple again. I didn’t realize the task at hand. It can be a little overwhelming at times. But I hear him, he’s with me every step of the way.

    1. Oh that’s awesome! I wish you the best in your new journey, and I’m absolutely sure He’s with you every step. <3

  4. The Aaronic Priesthood “Come, Follow Me” lesson yesterday was:
    Why Should I Be Obedient to God’s Commandments? I emphasized that this is not a smorgasbord where they pick & choose. We have to keep all of them or when we need a particular blessing, it may not be available. I testified that as a Bishop, I believe that God would not allow us to come before Him at the judgement and be right in saying things like “Well, You didn’t warn me, help me, guide me.” I have found that the Spirit is ALWAYS warning us, guiding us, teaching us, etc, but if we don’t regularly study the scriptures, we can’t expect Him to teach us. When I live as I should, He is always there. I feel His comforting presence. When He knows I need an answer to a question, he answers it at the right time. I just have to “be patient & wait on the Lord.” As I ponder all day long about the members of my Ward, he is there helping me understand why they have to face the challenges that they do. The key to “Hear Him” is to truly listen, because He never leaves us.

    1. That is powerful. Thank you for sharing. I also believe He is always there, guiding and warning, and there is so much power that I think we can gain from recognizing that and desiring to tune in even more!

  5. I usually hear Him through something I read…whether it’s scripture, a talk, a meme on social media, or a profound statement on someone’s fridge. Here’s an example of the last kind: many years ago I was visiting a friend across the country and was checking out her fridge ‘attachments/memos’ and read this one by President Ezra Taft Benson:
    “When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest…only then will God endow us with power”.
    That statement plowed into my brain and has forever changed the way I approach the gospel, the commandments, my covenants and my life. I now strive to willingly, joyfully and prayerfully DO things like ministering, service, looking after my family… It literally can change everything for the better!

  6. I hear Him best late ar night, when I finally am ready for bed and I kneel down to pray and talk with Him in the silence of the hour. It’s just Him and I, and my heart is opened and so is my mind. Then as the full moon is out, I look and I realize it is not the ugly, dead chunk of rock that I can see but the reflected light of the sun. The moon placed itself right where it can reflect the sun and so it becomes beautiful, radiant, capable of inspiring poets and lovers alike. And I say to myself: that is for me. Please help me, Heavenly Father, that I too may put myself in the right place so I can reflect the light of the Son, and inspire others to reach out for Thee. It’s then I know, that He is there, right next to me though across the universe. And I am not alone. Because I am His.

  7. I hear him in my dreams. I had on back in April that really stuck and I wrote it down so I would remember.
    I also hear him while reading scriptures and when I am practicing hymns on the piano. It really is always changing where and when I hear him it more depends on how much I am listening.

  8. I here him when I am in the temple and doing the work for those who have passed to the other side and can not do it for themselves. It is such a wonderful blessing to fill the spirt and fill the great love for that person

  9. I hear Him after I finish praying and I stop to quietly and thoughtfully listen for his guidance and meaningful insights and direction. I always receive an impression for what I need to do.

    1. I love pondering after prayers too! It is such a great time to listen for guidance and comfort. Thanks!

  10. I love these comments and sincere messages! I have pondered deeply my “status” before the Lord and right now I Hear Him in my prayers and confessions of less than desirable scripture study habits. He is so good to me and patiently sends “stirrings” and guidance on how I can and need to be better!! He led me to find this Posting and article —and I have a deep resolve to improve my study! I am ever grateful for His patience in my “baby steps” of change!

    1. He is always wanting to help keep us on the right path, we just have to be willing to listen and act on those promptings. Thank you for sharing!

  11. I hear Him when someone pops into my mind out of the blue. I know it is Him asking me to reach out to that person. ❤

  12. I hear Him when I’m searching for words of comfort to write or text to people who need comfort.

    1. I love this! He even cares about text messages as we are trying our best to lift others up. Thanks for sharing! <3

  13. Preparing lessons, listening to and reading talks, music, and nature-especially when I think about and see more of this beautiful world. I hear him through others’ good works and simple deeds. Through family members and good friends.

    1. Scripture study is so powerful! It allows Him to speak to us as we are seeking answers and guidance. Thanks! <3

  14. I hear Him when I recognize and acknowledge that the numerous blessings I have received and continue to receive from Him have come from Him and in expressing my gratitude to Him, I feel the love He has for me.

    1. Conference talks are always amazing! Plus you’ve gotta love those Come Follow Me podcasts (especially One Minute Scripture Study!). Thanks for sharing <3

  15. I hear Him through spiritual music and through others who know Him. I hear Him when I read your messages and Watch Living Scripture Podcasts and read and hear Conference talks.

  16. I Hear Him when I do Family History and then when I go to the Temple to serve of to be a proxy for a deceased family member. I Hear Him when I study the scriptures and when I listen to the Prophet, Apostles and other Church Leaders. I Hear Him when I read wonderful insights into the scriptures from those who are inspired to share with us. Thank you, Cali, for helping me take more time to think about this question and realize how many ways I am blessed to Hear Him.

  17. I hear him in many ways I’m sure, but the three ways I think are most powerful to me are:
    1. When I purposefully daily look for His hand in my life,
    2. When I reflect daily on acts of kindness toward me and how I act kind towards others, and
    3. Because I am a recovering addict, when I work recovery every day and thank Him for the power behind the recovery in the Atonement of His Son.

  18. I hear him through father blessings and going to the temple. Also through watching GC and other things like it:)

  19. This may sound strange, but I hear him every time I worry, which is quite frequently within a day. But each time I worry about something, every time something goes wrong or I find myself complaining or stressing, I think of him.
    And each time there is a gentle reminder to turn to him. To change the way I’m thinking. To say a prayer of gratitude. To adjust my tone and try again.

    I’m not always successful. In fact, I fail more than I succeed. But I’m so grateful for each of these moments because I know it’s an answer to one of my most sincere and fervent prayers. “Don’t give up on me Father, Please!”

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