Can you even imagine?⁣

After three of the most amazing years.

Learning about the true gospel.

Replacing old traditions with a new freedom of love.

Learning at the feet of the Savior of the world.

Watching Him perform every kind of miracle, handle every situation with grace, and extend forgiveness freely. ⁣

And then watching Him be crucified.

And not fully understanding what was happening. ⁣

And then seeing Him resurrected!

Getting to learn from the Savior for 40 more days, but now with the full understanding that He will be leaving. ⁣

And then the day comes. ⁣

Christ is taken up in a cloud while the apostles watch steadfastly. ⁣

Can you begin to even imagine those emotions? ⁣

Gratitude. Sorrow. Confidence. Fear. Utter joy and utter sadness. ⁣

And imagine how the Savior felt. ⁣

Leaving these devoted and eager but inexperienced disciples behind to spread the good news.

Such strong emotions. ⁣

And YET what makes all of these situations and emotions a little more bearable is – the Holy Ghost. ⁣

THAT’S the gift that allows us to have that connection to our Savior, no matter our physical proximity to Him or His words.

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you”. (Acts 1:8)

The Spirit is what sustained those apostles through the transition into leadership. ⁣

The Spirit is what allowed the Savior to feel confident with leaving the church in the hands of these imperfect people.

The Spirit is what teaches us constantly what Christ would have us learn, no matter what scriptures we are reading. ⁣

I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost that brings me the same exact messages, comfort, guidance, and peace that my Savior Himself would bring.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Good morning Cali, as a convert, through this CFM lesson on Acts I have learned that I can pray to the Holy Ghost. I have never thought about praying to the HG. I have never thought about how the HG is different from HF, and Jesus. I knew they were all three separate just never considered their three distinct functions. I am going to ponder more on the HG. Thank you for all you and your team do to get the Good Word out. Jj

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