Has anyone else had a goal to spend less time on their phone recently?

I’ve been “wanting” to stop being on my phone for a while.

Probably years.

I’ll do better sometimes.

I’ll do worse sometimes.

But recently, I’ve seen it as a more serious problem.

It’s a literal distraction from greater work that I could be doing.

I mean, really!

All those minutes (eh… hours) on my screen time report each week.

Imagine if I was serving someone with that time!

Being more present with my kids.

Creating positive new things.

I’ve started to see my phone less as “that distraction” we all have, and more as an actual serious temptation that is stopping me from being an even stronger disciple of Jesus Christ.

And I realized that I had been trying to “will-power” my way into using my phone less.

But I kept forgetting the most important person.

Not even important, the ESSENTIAL person who knows absolutely everything about overcoming temptation.


“God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Who is “the way” to help me escape my temptation?

Jesus is the Way.

He’s not hoping I can stop looking at my phone so much, turning on another show to pass the time.

He’s waiting for me to realize my full potential and ask for His assistance.

God knows that we will always be stronger than any temptation we face.

And it’s because the adversary pales in comparison to the power that Jesus Christ holds.

Jesus is the way to escape temptations of every kind.

Phone usage. Anger. Judgment. Dishonesty. Pride. Rudeness.

God has provided a way for all of us to escape temptation.

And the Way is Jesus Christ.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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