I am known.

Not because of how many people know me.

Not because of how many friends I have, or what calling I have, or how extroverted I am.

I am known because I am His.

I am understood.

Not because of how great a writer I am.

Not because I share my feelings often.

I am understood because I am His.

I am loved.

Not because I am righteous.

Not because I accomplish my to-do list, or I have a beautiful home, or my kids are well-behaved.

I am loved because I am His.

I am never lost.

Even when I feel all alone.

Even when I’m sure no one can understand the intricacies of what I feel.

Even when I distance myself from God due to my own choices.

Even when I walk in the room and I don’t know who to sit by.

I am never lost because I am His.

He knows me, and He knows exactly who I am.

He knows where I am physically.

But He also knows where I am mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually.

He knows when I’m drowning. When I’m overflowing. When I’m desperate. When I’m fulfilled.

He is in my midst.

He is in front of me, behind me, and all around.

Keeping me from dangers I’ll never know about, and softening the blows from the trials I face.

I’m never alone.

My Good Shepherd. My solid rock.

My redeemer.

My friend.


I am of infinite worth.

Not because of anything I do, don’t do, think, or don’t think.

But because I am His.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



18 Responses

  1. Cali,
    This is so awesome…I needed to see and read this today! I hope you don’t mind me sharing your thoughts will others. I know they would benefit from reading this.

  2. I read this snippet in my Gospel Doctrine class today – it was well received, to say the least!! You may have a few more followers now! Thank you for your insights and for your testimony!

  3. I look for your study snippets every day; so glad you are back up and running!
    Keep inspiring us.
    God Bless you!

  4. Reading your messages and listening to your podcasts really set the mood and pace for my entire day. It’s a great way to start even the gloomiest of mornings. But this mornings message in particular really resonated with me as I needed that reminder of my infinite worth and that I need not fear anything simply because I am His.

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