My hands hovered over the keys as I took a breath and started playing Mack Wilberg’s arrangement of “I Believe in Christ” on the organ.

The choir I was accompanying sang every note with conviction.

By the time I played the chord along with their final “to rule again!”, the Spirit was palpable.

I remember thinking I could have cut the air with a knife. The spirit was so strong.

I lifted my fingers off the keys and sat in awe during the powerful closing prayer for the fireside we were at.

Once the prayer finished, I was in the unique position to look up at the faces of everyone in the choir.

Everyone was beaming. There was light emanating from each face.

The fireside that had just concluded?

It was given by a sculptor who had an exhibit of depictions of Christ.

She had spoken of Christ the entire time.

The pure Spirit was present as she bore testimony and taught of Him.

So to punctuate her testimony with ours in musical form, still preaching purely of Christ…

It was unforgettable and undeniable.

I have testimonies of prophets and tithing.

I have testimonies of church and service.

I have testimonies of families and miracles.

But at the end of the day, at the center of it all, is my Savior, Jesus Christ.

He is the reason for everything else.

So when I bear record of Jesus Christ, and what His life, sacrifice, and example mean to me, that is when the Spirit is the strongest.

Because I know that He lives, I can be of good cheer.

I can let my fears be absorbed into peace.

Because I know He is standing by me. He never leaves me, even though my heart is prone to wander from Him.

The Savior is at the center of it all.

I treasure all aspects of this gospel and of my testimony.

But when I bear pure testimony of my Savior, I am brought even closer to Him.

My fear dissipates, my joy increases, and I am reminded of His constance.

I believe in Christ.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. When we had our first sacrament meeting in our home, I played “God Loved Us So He Sent His Son” on the organ and the Spirit fell over me like a blanket and I instantly knew that was a very important statement for the Spirit to be so strong. We have been so fortunate to have the Spirit so strongly in our home and what a blessing that has been! I have felt the Spirit in testimony meeting, and in the Temple, but never as often or strong as in our home. This has been so wonderful and I thank my Heavenly Father for this great experience.

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