“I don’t like to cook, but…”

When I gave birth to my daughter a couple years ago, people in my ward volunteered to bring me dinners for a few nights.

A couple people brought me delicious homemade dinners that we were so grateful for.

But my visiting teacher (#backintheday) texted me and said: “Hey, cooking isn’t really my thing. But I’m gonna grab Cafe Rio for you guys! Text me what you and Kyle want and I’ll bring it by at 5!”

This blew my mind! Because I don’t really like cooking dinners either.

But I had used this as an excuse to not volunteer to bring people dinner.

Instead, she still volunteered. And then made it work within what she was comfortable with.

Her example has stuck with me.

There is SO much power in volunteering to help and serve. Isaiah is a great example of this – always willing to serve and sacrifice in the ways the Lord asked him too.

But isn’t it easy to NOT volunteer?

Because we aren’t TECHNICALLY saying, “no”. We just aren’t the one who is saying, “yes”.

Cooking isn’t my thing. I’m not great at watching kids. I can’t even clean my own house! I’ve got too many things going on with my family.

We say these excuses and then miss out on rich opportunities to serve and connect with others. We hold back on giving them blessings, and in return, we miss out on blessings of serving. We miss out on love.

Instead, my visiting teacher taught me that I can still acknowledge my preferences and weaknesses…

… but then I can come up with a creative way to still make it work.

I don’t like cooking… but I’ll buy you dinner.

I don’t enjoy cleaning… but I’ll watch your kids so you can have some peace.

I’m really busy with my family… but I’m going to bring my whole family to help you so that we can all still spend time together.

It’s so important to know how to say “no” when we need to, but are we getting a little too comfortable with avoiding saying “yes”?

Here am I! Send me.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Yup! I’ve never cooked, ever! I’d buy frozen dinners from Costco, chickfila, Olive Garden, Cafe Rio, anything to avoid cooking but still being able to serve❤️

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