I hate re-reading books.

Like, I don’t ever re-read.

Once I’ve read a book, know the story, learned about the topic, or discovered the secrets, I find it so boring to go through again!

Truly no offense meant to those of you who are avid re-readers (my husband included, who I think is almost constantly re-reading a Harry Potter book).

But, obviously, the scriptures are different to me. ⁣

I could (and do) read those books over and over and over again.

We read that, “. . . the word of God. . . is quick and powerful.” (Helaman 3:29)

If you look up some different translations for the words “quick” and “powerful,” you get:





Aren’t those amazing words?

⁣⁣The word of God is alive in the scriptures.⁣

And that’s why I don’t “get bored” reading the scriptures over and over again.

It’s because these words are alive, powerful, and effective, as long as I am inviting the Spirit to be with me as I read.

When the Spirit is with me, the scriptures teach my heart the words that I actually need to know.

I know, I know, the words themselves don’t change.

But each time I read the same story, a different detail might pop out.

Or a random phrase might make a strong impression.

Or as I’m pondering the familiar lesson, my mind is brought to an application that I need to know for my current circumstance.

The word of God is quick, powerful, alive, active, living, and effective.

And the more I read and study with real intent, the more I discover the messages that are meant for me from a loving Heavenly Father.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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