I am not great at asking for help when I need it.

I’m fine!

I can handle it!

Unfortunately, this habit also spills over to my prayers.

My brain thinks it is selfish to pray and ask for comfort.

It seems like such a frivolous thing to ask for.

I’m fine.

I can handle it.

And yet, I know that my Savior has said:

“I am he; yea, I am he that comforteth you.” (2 Nephi 8:12)  

He wants to comfort me!

He’s there with the offer.

And I don’t need to be perfect or totally righteous to ask for this peace and love.

…But I do need to ask.

Do we trust that the Lord can actually comfort us?

And do we trust that asking for comfort isn’t selfish?

Even more than a good friend, I’ve learned that Jesus knows I often need support and love.

I just need to know that I’m not alone.

I want to feel divine rest.

And I need to know that I will get through my rough times.

Our Savior knows our experiences and feelings perfectly.

And He wants to give us comfort, if we just remember to ask.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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