What has been entrusted to your care from God?

A job.

A calling.

An amount of money.

Little human beings.




There is a lot that God has entrusted us to take care of.

In fact it’s a little intimidating to think about sometimes.

(Let’s be honest, raising human beings is probably the scariest thing that any of us are allowed to do.)

So how are we doing with it all?

The Lord told Joseph Knight, Sr., that anyone who has desires to establish this work needs to be “temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care.” D&C 12:8

Temperate: “showing moderation or self-restraint”

Are we showing moderation in the things that have been entrusted to us?

Are we letting any of our duties overindulge on our time?

Are our worries about one area overindulging on our brain energy?

Are we literally overindulging on the resources we have been given?

Because when it comes down to it, everything that we have, that we have stewardship over, that we have “earned”…

Is really an act of trust on God’s part.

Of course, He knows we are mortals and we are going to blow it all the time.

We let our calling distract us from taking care of our families.

We worry so much about our children that we neglect developing our own passions.

We waver between “scrimping and saving” and “overindulging” on our finances.

But the Lord wants to help us become better.

To use our time and our resources in order to have moderation amongst our priorities.

He can guide us and send His Spirit to prompt us.

And He trusts us.

He knows it will be a long journey, but He has entrusted us.

And He won’t set us up for failure.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. God has truly entrusted you to send his message to those of us that are so over indulged in an area in our lives we aren’t listening to him. We are so blessed by God’s trust in you.

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