I started this account 4 years ago. Like… exactly 4 years ago.

The first Sunday of New Testament Come, Follow Me 2019.

We had late afternoon church, and I spent the morning studying the scriptures and caring for my one-year-old daughter while my husband was at church meetings.

I was serving as the Laurel advisor in Young Women’s, and that Sunday was also the first day of 2-hour church with no Young Women’s.

So I crafted a text to send to my Laurels:

“I’ll miss seeing you in Young Women’s today! Have fun in Sunday School! And don’t forget to study the scriptures for the new Come, Follow Me program that starts today!”

I then had an idea… I should give my girls the name of an Instagram account they could follow that would give lots of posts about the scriptures for CFM each week.

So I went on Instagram and searched “come follow me”.

But I couldn’t find an account like what I was picturing in my head!

There were a few accounts about teaching CFM, or how to do activities with your kids…

But nothing like what I pictured in my head that would be relevant to my girls, or to most people, honestly.

And then the scary thought came to my head:

“I could start the account.

“I love the scriptures. I love teaching. I love learning. I love telling stories about applying the scriptures.

“I’ve struggled since having my daughter and quitting my full time job. Maybe this is what I need.”

And then I realized what I was thinking.

What?! Me?!

No, no, I’m not the kind of person to start a scripture study social media account.

I’m not the person to share my super personal thoughts and stories and testimony publicly.

But the idea was still there, and so I said a quick but very sincere prayer:

“Heavenly Father, am I supposed to start a CFM social media account?”

And then one of my most favorite things happened ever.

I had been studying the CFM scriptures that week, about how we should take responsibility for our own learning.

I read some great scriptures. I mean, nothing earth-shattering that I had never read before, but it was good stuff.

But in that moment of need for direction and guidance on that Sunday morning, the Spirit brought to my mind a scripture that I had read earlier in the week that now took on new meaning:

“For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is ​​​compelled​ in all things, the same is a ​​​slothful​ and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

“Verily I say, men should be ​​​anxiously engaged​ in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness”. (D&C 58:26-27)

My mind heard those words again, and my heart knew that my Heavenly Father was telling me:

“I’m not going to tell you what to do here. If you want to start an account, go for it. But I have counseled you to stay anxiously engaged in good causes out of your own free will.”

So I chose to create the account.

The vulnerability and bravery I used in that moment can not be overstated, and I want to go back and give myself a hug for having the courage to give it a try, because I’m usually a very safe, cautious person.

And then I started posting.

From Matthew 1, I started writing my thoughts about what I was studying and the lessons I had learned in my own life.

And it turns out, other people were looking for an account like mine, too.

I kept posting.

I started getting questions about the context for each book of scripture, so I would post a million stories explaining the context each week, which then turned into my Big Picture Monday videos.

People requested all the context be written down, which turned into my Study Guides being born, first just digitally, and then I figured out how to make Amazon do the work for me.

Later down the road, I joined the One Minute Scripture Study podcast which then turned into a book as well.

It’s been a lot of fun to be anxiously engaged in a good cause.

It’s also been a lot of work as our family has grown by two kids since this account started, we’ve moved houses, our family has been asked to fulfill some big callings, and so much more.

But it’s still so much fun.

I’m grateful that God allows us to use our agency to create any cool, awesome, good things that we want!

I’m grateful for a God who knows our deepest personal desires and how to help us feel fulfilled in ways we could never imagine.

I’m grateful for communities of good people, like all of you here. There is so much weird stuff online, and I promise to always be a source of only goodness and pointing toward Jesus.

And I’m so grateful for the scriptures. I fully believe that if we all were in our scriptures more often, we would all be so firmly rooted in pure doctrine and love of God, that nothing could sway us.

I’m grateful that the Spirit often brings scriptures to my mind to send me messages.

I’m grateful for a husband who has supported me one million percent in everything I do, who teaches me what it’s like to be full partners.

I’m grateful for my now three kids who teach me what it means to love like I’ve never known before.

I love God and Jesus and the scriptures and my family.

Thanks for being here. I’m not going anywhere. Let’s stay anxiously engaged in good causes out of our own free will, and flood the earth with righteousness. 

Happy Studying!

Cali Black



32 Responses

  1. Thank you for doing what you do. I’m a divorced single sister and miss studying the scriptures with a partner. When I stumbled upon your account, I felt like I had a study partner again! I very much look forward to studying with you each week! The increased immersion into the scriptures has opened my mind, broadened my learning and strengthened my testimony. This has lead to amazing opportunities in all areas of my life. You had an indirect hand in this for me, thank you ????

  2. Thank you for all you do. I was scrolling insta one day a few years ago and found you and I absolutely love how I can relate and I understand your teaching style. It has made me dive deeper into the scriptures than ever before and I understand the scriptures more from your Big Picture Monday. In fact, your BPM is the first podcast I listen to each week to start me off. I am excited to hear each week what is going on explained in our modern day language and then go read the scriptures and understand more how they wrote in their day. It helps tremendously! So thank you so much! I also love to share all your stuff to everyone! ???? Amy

  3. I’m so grateful that you started this journey 4 years ago!! I’m grateful that I’ve been able to follow along and learn so much from you!! Thanks so much – can’t wait for the new year ahead!! Happy studying!! ????

  4. I do not remember how I came across your CFM study snippet, but I will add with what others think and feel, s as I’d that is these study snippets have blessed my life. I have been in a fast downward spiral since being quarantined in 2020. I have realized how much I need tone around people to helps lift and to be lifted. Thank you for sharing goodness. God bless you Callie.

  5. I love your posts and stories! They are a very insightful and uplifting part of my scripture study. You are a wonderful person for all the sacrifice and effort you put into the messages you share. Thank you!

  6. I never comment but I read your posts always! You’ve helped me so much to look at and think about things. Differently and deeper. Thank you for following your idea and helping me, a stranger grow closer to God and my Savior. I appreciate your efforts so much!

  7. Your teachings, comments, and lessons have been a blessing to me the last few years. You are so good, sweet, humble, full of the spirit. Thank you for all your studying, hard work and faith. They have been a blessing to me and to so many.

  8. I was in the YW presidency. I can’t tell you how many times i used your short little snippets as lessons, or in lessons. They are inspired. Thank you♥️

  9. Thank you for creating this CFM study, I read everyone of them, love your insights.
    May God continue to bless and inspire you.

  10. Cali, your posts and thoughts have made such a difference in my scripture study. I can’t thank you enough for making me realize that even one minute is enough some days. I have found that that one minute now turns into 30 minutes or more. THANK You!

  11. Thank you Cali for following through on your inspired thoughts! With my husband serving as bishop some of the scripture things get to be “too much more to do” but I always say to him, see what Cali black is saying its typically short sweet and always to the point and it is always a great point! I thank you Cali for those who may not have a ton of time to study but need to know! loving you girl!

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