I put my youngest down for his nap and raced downstairs.

I looked at my floors, literally covered in crumbs from breakfast and lunch and headed toward the pantry to grab my broom.

This was my time to get stuff done before the little ball of energy woke up and needed me to be with him constantly.

That freedom, today, meant cleaning things up.

“Can you read this book to me?”

This was the time when I usually put a show on for my daughter so that I could be uninterrupted, but she was holding a book in her hand.

I could just tell by the way she asked me, that she needed my attention.

The spirit whispered to me that this was where I needed to spend my time today.

And so I spent my moments of “freedom” cuddled up with daughter on the couch, reading her books.

We ended up laughing a lot. She started pointing out letters that she saw.

It was a really fun moment.

When my son woke up, the floors were still covered in crumbs, and they didn’t get cleaned up until much later.

I also didn’t finish a work project that I had on my schedule until after the kids went to sleep.

I can’t “have it all”.

I can’t have an orderly home and well-adjusted kids and run a business and spend time with my husband and fulfill my calling and study my scriptures all at the same time.

I can’t bear all that.

It’s too much.

And then add in some trials…

I can’t bear all things that have been given to me.


I’m okay with that.

I can still be of good cheer.

Because I don’t have to do all those things and be all those things at the same time.

Just like the little voice that gave me the confidence to walk away from the broom and pick up the book in that moment, the secret solution is the Savior.

He leads me along.

He gives me that quiet assurance that my kids will be fine if they watch another show while I finish up my task. Or whatever I need to know.

Life can be confusing and overwhelming.

And the Lord so lovingly gives us the blueprint of peace to follow:

“Ye cannot bear all things now;

“Nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.” D&C 78:18

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. You are so down to earth & realize you have a lot of talents, but you can’t do them all at the very same time. Crumbs & dust will wait, but children are growing, watching, observing & learning, besides they are only whatever age they are for a short time.
    I love all your posts.

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