I’ve felt this strong urge recently to fortify my relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father.

This relationship, this love and devotion, has been weighing on my heart.

This is what matters more than anything.

To know Them. To love Them. To serve Them.

And I’ve probably felt this strong urge lately because I’ve also been bombarded with distractors.

Things that seem important to spend my spiritual energy on.

Things that invite me to use my mind to deal with other problems.

Things that are not bad in and of themselves, but things that certainly do not matter most.

I’ve been trying to simplify my testimony while also adding real depth.

And it all comes back to Jesus and my Heavenly Father.

I’ve felt this resolve to stand with Nehemiah and say:

“I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down”. (Nehemiah 6:3)

Not “down” to imply that I’m better than anyone else, but “down” to imply what my top priority is.

Nehemiah knew that his top priority was to focus on the walls of Jerusalem.

Meeting with Sanballat wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

It wasn’t a sin.

But it would have distracted him from his main focus, his top priority.

There are so many things to worry about, to defend, to explain, to understand.

But sometimes, we need to consolidate and focus on fostering what is most essential.

God. The Savior.

I’m doing a great work when I focus on Them and what my love for Them means.

And I will not stop.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I am considering requesting this bible study program for my church. After reading the above. Comments I will discuss with my pastor. This might be a great resource to use. Please keep me in your prayers God Bless.

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