This is one of my FAVORITE little church history stories.

Oliver Cowdery was called on his mission to the native tribes west of Missouri, and so Joseph needed a new scribe in his absence.

John Whitmer was asked to fill in, and for a few months, he wrote down all of Joseph’s revelations and kept meeting minutes.

John was totally cool with this assignment!

And thank goodness, because John recorded down a large chunk of the sections in the Doctrine and Covenants.

But then… Joseph called John to also take over as the historian of the church.

This was going to be different.

Instead of John just writing down what the prophet dictated to him, John was now being asked to come up with his own words! To observe events and record them down.

John’s response to hearing this calling, and I quote: “I would rather not do it”.

Ever felt like John before?

But here’s what I love about him.

He was honest and said that he would rather not take on this calling. He told Joseph his real feelings.

But then he followed up that statement with saying, and I quote again:

“The will of the Lord be done, and if he desires it, I desire that he would manifest it through Joseph the Seer.”

He put it back on Joseph to take to the Lord. And if the Lord still needed John to take on this new calling, even with this new information that he didn’t want to do it and felt completely inadequate, then he would do it.

Doctrine and Covenants Section 47 was the answer that Joseph received as he took it to the Lord again.

The answer from the Lord in verse 1 says:

“Behold, it is expedient in me that my servant John should write and keep a regular history”.

And then my favorite part from the Lord in verse 4:

“It shall be given him, inasmuch as he is faithful, by the Comforter, to write these things.”

The Comforter, the Spirit, would help John out with writing the history, as long as he had faith. He wouldn’t be left to his own efforts.

John accepted the calling and faithfully recorded the church history, providing us with invaluable insights into church proceedings in those early days.

What is your takeaway from John’s story?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. My reply is usually, “Is that what you want me to do!!!” I protest and then I go and do it. He is sooo patient with me.

  2. The Savior Himself asked if it was possible for the cup to be removed….nevertheless, not His will but the will of His Father????

  3. I got called as family history consultant AND Branch historian. I didn’t have a clue about being Branch historian AND I work out of state all summer. Then I began discovering what family history consultant entailed and I’m feeling very inadequate. Being in the restrictions of COVID has further dampened my efforts. My tiny Branch is very spread out, not everyone has internet and elderly, no home visits. I asked Father how to accomplish His goals….I have encourages members to gather as much information about family during this trying time. Talk to their living relatives and catch up. I check with them monthly waiting for the times can help the learn to upload pictures, names and dates.

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