Someone I know asked this question recently. ⁣

“If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

I had been thinking about how Alma counseled that in the next life, everyone will “partake of the fruits of their labors or their works”. (Alma 40:26)

And it made me think:⁣

What am I laboring in right now?⁣

Would I be able to be clearly labeled as a Christian if someone was scrutinizing my life?⁣

I mean, yeah, I’ve got pictures of Jesus Christ in my home and I attend church each Sunday…

But I think the real conviction comes from how I conduct myself and interact with others. ⁣

Do I reflect Christ in my day-to-day living?⁣

When the restaurant forgets my order and it takes another 30 minutes? ⁣

When my toddler has a meltdown because she didn’t get to eat the crouton she wanted? ⁣

When I’m feeling left out from activities with friends?⁣

Do I still behave as a Christian would?⁣

Not that we know the clear, exact way Christ would handle any of those situations.

… But there are clear ways in which I deviate from the examples He showed. ⁣

And then, other times, I feel my entire will being melded with His. ⁣

When a gossipy conversation arrives, and I quietly excuse myself. ⁣

When I react to a tough situation with love and grace, instead of impatience and anger. ⁣

When I teach my kids about Jesus.

My labors are good. ⁣

Which means my fruit will be good. ⁣

But I know I can work on making my labors even better. ⁣

So everyone I interact with will know that I have a special relationship with my Savior.

Even if we never talk religion. ⁣

I hope that I can be the most obvious Christian.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. This is very thought provoking. I think Christians are being persecuted more and more today. We will be tested in our commitment to Christ. Because of that, this thought is a lot more profound than how we live every day— although that’s where we need to focus right now. Thank you so much for sharing such goodness in the world!

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