Imagine having a loved one that you want to help and serve some way, but you physically can not.

Oh wait.

These past few weeks, I’ve seen friends move homes, have babies, celebrate birthdays, return from missions, and mourn losses all without the close physical support of their loved ones who would usually be there.

It’s tough to watch someone you love go through an important event and not be able to help them out.

Really tough.

I like to imagine our Heavenly Parents looking down on us in the same way.

With never-ending love, but not able to physically be with us as we experience the highs and lows of mortality.

And this is where the famous scripture from Mosiah 2 becomes pretty literal:

When we help each other, when we serve and celebrate and mourn and surprise, we are serving God.

We are His hands.

“Quarantined” away from him physically, but never spiritually.

And so, He depends on us.

He depends on us to look around.

To look around with the knowledge that everyone is a child of God.

And then to act as a loving parent would.

So I challenge you today: How can you serve someone outside of your normal comfort zone?

How can you feel the love of God for them, pray for inspiration, and then act?

How can you serve the all-knowing, all-loving, all-gracious God in Heaven today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you so much, I really appreciated all come follow me study, it’s helping and strengthening my faith daily, thanks again

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