Have you ever sat in a Sunday School or seminary class where the teacher talks about all the gifts of the spirit listed in Doctrine and Covenants Section 46, and thought:

“I don’t know if I have any of those?”

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said this many years ago, and it’s an idea that I heard taught recently that really resonated with me.

“Spiritual gifts are endless in number and infinite in variety”.

In other words, the approximately 13 gifts listed in Section 46 do not begin to even scratch the surface of actual spiritual gifts.

So… how are we supposed to know what our spiritual gifts are if we don’t even know what all of the options are?

Here is something I’ve noticed.

When I am making a concerted effort to live according to the gospel principles, when I’m showing love, and patience, and kindness, when I’m keeping my covenants and pondering on Christ…

Then I feel like there are certain things that I am really good at.

In other words: When I feel the Spirit in my life, I am more aware of my spiritual gifts.

Gifts that are given to me and enhanced by the Spirit.

So if you are still feeling lost about what spiritual gifts you could possibly possess, here are some questions.

When you are praying and immersing yourself in the scriptures, and you KNOW that you have the Spirit with you, what do you feel like you are really good at doing?

Maybe you are really good at crying when you feel the Spirit.

Maybe you are really good at noticing what your family member needs and wanting to serve them.

Maybe you are really good at sending texts to people who need them.

Maybe you are really good at preparing and teaching a lesson to a primary class.

Maybe you are really good at feeling calm.

Maybe you are really good at being a mediator in disputes or disagreements.

Maybe you are really good at understanding concepts that are really complicated but then explaining them in simple ways.

There are INFINITE possibilities.

When you are really feeling the Spirit, what are you really good at doing? Those are your spiritual gifts.

If you thought of something, I’d love to hear it! What is one of YOUR spiritual gifts?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. I have had those jealous moments and then I realized that I was judging. I have always thought that the commandment to not judge was the most crucial commandment we have. We know that the gospel is built on the Love of our Savior for us and if we are to emulate the Savior we must love others. Judging and loving can not be together, just like fear and faith. I want to be a cheerleader and I appreciate your words.

    1. It’s just such a better way to live if we can be each other’s cheerleaders. It’s the Savior’s way.

  2. After reading this I feel one of my spiritual gifts is responding to the needs of others.

    1. I’m sure those around you are grateful for your spiritual gifts as you bless many lives. ????

  3. I left a comment on your snippet from last week entitled “Do you prefer faith or reason.”

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