Introductory Pages for the Book of Mormon – STUDY TIPS

Happy New Year, and Happy Book of Mormon Study Year! (That’s a thing, right?!)

First of all, I LOVE that the curriculum writers gave us a full week to just bask in the glory and wonder of the Book of Mormon before diving into the actual readings.

In fact, that’s my first tip.

Just bask in the glory of the Book of Mormon this week. 

Can I give you one more assignment, though? 

Use this week to ALSO read through the introductory pages of the Come Follow Me manual. These pages are filled with super helpful tips, strategies, testimonies, and reminders about the Come Follow Me curriculum. I especially loved the “Ideas to Improve Your Personal Scripture Study” article. Check it out!

If you are looking for MORE things to actually study and read this week, type “Book of Mormon” into the Gospel Library app or the church’s website, and check out some powerful talks on the Book of Mormon. (President Nelson and Elder Holland have given killer talks on the topic!)

Okay, back to the assigned study for this week.

What are these Introductory Pages for the Book of Mormon and where did they come from??

Title Page of the Book of Mormon

Written by Moroni. This gives a beautiful and powerful little summary of the Book of Mormon. Look for its purpose, history, and potential. It also gives a great little reminder as to WHY we call this the Book of Mormon. Mormon is the author (or “abridger”) of much of the book, and the compiler of the entire record. 


A clear-to-understand history of the Book of Mormon written in more recent times. It includes part of Joseph Smith’s testimony of this book, and an explanation of the testimonies of the witnesses that follow it. It ends with some powerful promises! Think about what it means to be a “keystone”. 

The Testimony of the Three Witnesses and The Testimony of the Eight Witnesses

Look for what they are actually bearing witness of. Why would it be important to have witnesses? How can we be a witness? 

Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

This is an excerpt from “Joseph Smith – History” that tells specifically about Moroni appearing to him and his challenges retrieving the ancient plates. This story is obviously not told as often as Joseph Smith’s great First Vision, so this account is a good one to review! What directions were given to him? What was repeated? What obstacles did he face and how did he overcome them? What miracles can you see? 

A Brief Explanation About the Book of Mormon

SO IMPORTANT! I will refer back to this page many times as we read through these different sections. This gives background for where each part of the Book of Mormon came from. Each book is NOT just written by the person it is named after. And conversely, the whole thing was NOT written by Mormon. We’ve got a little bit of everything! This page is super clear and lays out who is the author and where we got each part. No need to remember it all now, but it will be great to refer to as we read. 

That should be enough to get you started! Remember, just fall in love with the Book of Mormon again this week.

Happy Studying!



9 Responses

  1. I’m so excited to be studying the Book of Mormon this coming year. As a relatively new convert, Feb 16 this year, I have struggled to get through with all the other study on the NT, plus BYU Pathways Connect. Our Institute study this coming semester is The Foundation of the Restoration so it’s all coming together nicely. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I really live reading your posts and doing the quizzes. ????????????????

  2. I believe the Title Page of the Book of Mormon was written by Moroni, not Joseph Smith.
    From “The Title Page of the Book of Mormon,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual (2004), 17–18:
    “According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, “the title-page of the Book of Mormon is a literal translation, taken from the very last leaf, on the left hand side of the collection or book of plates, which contained the record which has been translated, the language of the whole running the same as all Hebrew writing in general; and that said title page is not by any means a modern composition, either of mine or of any other man who has lived or does live in this generation” (History of the Church, 1:71)”

    1. You are absolutely right, and I actually had edited this post but forgotten to upload the changes here. Whoops! Everything should now be correct now 🙂 Thanks for your great insight!

  3. Cali you are amazing and I’m so grateful for your study helps! I made a little study guide using your questions/info for my family to use this week and report to each other next week what we learned! Thanks so much!

  4. I wanted to get a refresher on what a “keystone” was and rediscovered Elder Stevenson’s talk from a few years ago. He really laid it out plainly for me. I’ve been inspired to share his words with my son in our study this week.

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