Is knowing Jesus Christ worth it?

I sometimes think about the millions and billions of people who live on this earth.

While many of my brothers and sisters are doing righteous things and know their Savior well, I am one of the few on earth who has access to ALL of the blessings of the gospel, and has made covenants to do my part.

And sometimes I like to think, “Well, compared to everyone else, I think I’m doing alright.”

(Which 100% is prideful thought to have, and I’m working on that.)

But Alma reminds us in chapter 9, that we are judged according to the light we have been given.

So other people will be judged according to their limited knowledge of anything religious, or their truths they can grab from the Bible, or their absolute unawareness of Jesus Christ.

But I will be judged according to my wealth of knowledge about the Savior and God’s plan for me.

For a second, I think, “Well, that’s not very fair.”

And then I snap out of it.

Would I really rather NOT know what I know so that I can have a supposedly easier time on Judgment Day?!

Absolutely not.

My light and knowledge and covenants are more than worth it.

My friendship with my Savior is worth it.

I don’t want to be afraid of learning new things.

I don’t want to sacrifice the highest highs just so that I avoid the lowest lows.

I’ll take the risk.

I’d rather be held up to the highest standard, because I know that my Savior can help me measure up.

Is knowing Jesus Christ worth it to you?

Artist credit: @kenziejoscollection

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



3 Responses

  1. I really enjoy reading all the study tip
    It’s help me a lots with my testimony each week
    Thanks again

  2. I love reading your snippets every time. Great thoughts are expressed and I can say Amen to them all.

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