I’ve been finding a lot of reasons to complain recently.

I could write out a whole list.

Some things, you would probably say are very well justified.

Other things probably seem much larger to me than they really are.

Regardless, I’ve found a lot of things that have piled up in my mind.

Getting everything done or handling everything with grace seems… well, impossible to me.

It’s all impossible.

And so this question has not been able to leave my head:

“Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14)

Because it sure seems too hard for me to handle.

But here’s a beautiful connection I’ve recently made:

If my Lord can handle it all,

And if He has promised to take my yoke and bear my burdens,

Then nothing is impossible for me when I partner with the Lord.

Sarah and Abraham both laughed when they heard they were getting a son, when it was biologically impossible.


And yet, it happened.

The Lord can make miracles happen all on His own.

I’ve had a few, tender, sacred moments in my life where I have seen these truly impossible miracles occur.

But more often, I see it more as a partnership.

A very, very, unfair and unequal partnership.

Where my load seems quite impossible. Mentally; physically; emotionally.

But I know that nothing is too hard for Him.

And so I rely on Him even more. I invite Him in. I tell Him the intricacies of what I’m facing.

And the cliche is true— the burdens are still there. The load is still as big as ever.

But I’m able to feel those moments of peace and relief as I endure.

With God, nothing is impossible.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I read the JST and this was translated as Abraham “rejoiced” not laughed; takes on a totally different meaning doesn’t it! And we all should rejoice & be glad!

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