I had a conversation with a dear friend recently who was preparing for a very serious, major surgery. ⁣

I told her that I couldn’t even imagine what she was going through and that she was in my prayers as she prepared. ⁣

She responded:

“It’s really been such a beautiful ride. All of it. I think it comes down to, do you trust Him? And I trust Him so I’ve just felt peace. Do you know what I mean?”

And I knew EXACTLY what she meant.

I’ve had similar moments.

Those times where, on paper, everything should seem dark.

The diagnosis.

The loss.

The heartbreak.

These times should be dark. ⁣

Maybe you are going through a time that, on paper, sounds pretty dark right now. ⁣

Whatever version of “hard” you’ve been dealt right now. ⁣

But the sign of Christ’s birth in the Americas wasn’t just for the Nephites and Lamanites. ⁣

This is what Christ has always done.

This is what He continues to do. ⁣

When the sun goes down, when things are SUPPOSED to be dark,⁣

He brings us that light. ⁣

The whole night long. ⁣

He doesn’t erase the night.

He doesn’t usually get rid of the tough situation. ⁣

But He gives us that sustaining light THROUGH the night.

The power to see true perspective, to see His plan, to feel His love. ⁣

“Oh Savior, stay this night with me.”⁣

What a beautiful gift that He gives us, that I can never even begin to repay. ⁣

“…at the going down of the sun there was no darkness”. (3 Nephi 1:15)

He makes things light, especially when it should be dark.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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