Is everything that happens in my life really for my good?

That takes a whole lot of faith to believe.

Not everything that I have to deal with is good.

Some things are lame, some are frustrating, and some are just heartbreaking.

There is sad and tired and confused and bored.

Not all of it is good.

But, do I believe that it actually all works together for my good?

Honestly… why not believe that?!

What a fun idea, really.

All the lame and disappointing and frustrating is actually for my good.

For my development.

For my glorious future. 

Fear not, the Lord is on my side.

Life’s hills, no matter how steep, seem a little more manageable because I know how this all ends.

Spoiler alert!

This all is going to be okay.

Not even just okay, but it will make me good.

It doesn’t take away the sad and the tedious and the frustrating.

But it doesn’t add to it either.

It’s a little lighter of a burden to bear.

I continue doing my part the best I can.

I search the scriptures and other fountains of doctrine diligently.

I pray as often as I can.

And I believe in Jesus Christ and believe what He has promised me.

And I won’t just randomly have things go my way.

No, the orchestrater of the universe has promised me that all things will actually work for my good.

So I’ll keep my faith.

“This is rough, but this is working for my good. I’m going to be okay in the end.”

Happy Studying!

Cali Black



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