I’ve had an interesting past couple of weeks.

All my plans, my new-year-organization strategies have been thrown out the window as I’ve been knocked sick.

I do a lot each week that requires everything to run pretty close to clockwork.

There were many times this thought has run through my head as I’ve seen deadlines pass, work pile up, house projects left undone:

“This has all gone wrong.”

This isn’t how my new year, just a few months away from having a new baby, was supposed to start.

Have you ever thought this before?

“This has all gone wrong.”

There have been a few, much more serious times in my life when I’ve thought this, too.

But what I’ve learned is one of the most comforting, eternal truths:

“All flesh is in my hands, and I will do as seemeth me good.” (Moses 6:32)

God is in control.

And if God is in control, nothing is going to “go wrong”.

Now, don’t misunderstand: I’ve learned this does NOT mean that nothing will ever go wrong in my little mortal point of view.

But in the grand, eternal scheme of things, God isn’t letting any little decision I make, any sickness, any bump in the road throw a wrench into any of His plans.

God can do anything at any time.

So if I believe that, then how can I change my perspective right now?

“If I give this all to God, nothing can go wrong.”

Nothing goes wrong when I give it to God.

Deadlines will work themselves out. Or maybe I’ll miss them and things will be fine. Or maybe I’ll get clarity on things I need to drop anyways.

And it feels SO much better to think this way.

He’s got my back.

Nothing can go wrong.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. This was the message I needed today. Since mid October I’ve been dealing with C-diff a very nasty intestinal Disease coming from an anabiotic I had taken for my oral surgery. Yesterday 6 six days after finishing my last round of medication it came back, my third bout. The blessing I received December 1st while in the hospital told me I had a long road ahead of me and that the Lord was aware of what I’ve been going through. Thank you for sharing.

    1. It sounds like you have had a very difficult few months! I am so sorry! But the Lord definitely knows each of us and our circumstances. <3

  2. Can you expound on what it means to “give it to God.” I’ve heard it plenty of times but I would be interested in knowing what that process looks like to you. Thank you!

    1. Great question! To me it looks like actively exercising faith and not trying to worry so much about the outcome. For example, if my husband lost his job then “giving it all to God” would be doing our best, try not be in despair, and trust that God will have things work out how it should work out. I hope that helps!

  3. This is the one wonderful thing that always helps me, that Heavenly Father is always there. His Holy Spirit is the comforter that always comforts me when I need Him. Just this knowledge has been my rock ever since I can remember. It has been my constant comfort in the back of my mind since I was three years old and my dear Grandfather told me of Him.

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