“And forgive me for my weaknesses and shortcomings today.”⁣

Does that phrase (or a variation of it) find a place in your prayers right now?⁣

The past year or so, I’ve really been focused on removing this in my prayers. ⁣

I’ve been trying to avoid casual asks for forgiveness from sweeping generalizations of “weaknesses” and “sins”.⁣

I was really struck by the in-depth sincerity with which young Joseph prayed to a loving Heavenly Father in his bedroom. ⁣

“I betook myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God for forgiveness of all my sins and follies.” (JSH 1:29)⁣

He was in his bedroom, weighed down by the sins he was committing, and asking for forgiveness. ⁣

It wasn’t an add-on to a prayer he was already going to say.

That WAS the prayer.

Pleading. Calling. ⁣

Thinking through each sin. ⁣

I personally have found exponentially more power and access to my Savior’s atoning sacrifice when I take time to be specific and to reflect. ⁣

Instead of, “Please forgive me for my weaknesses today.”

My prayers have transformed as I’ve transitioned to:⁣

“I am so sorry that I lost my patience earlier today. I knew that my daughter was in a stressful situation and I was putting my needs before hers. Please forgive me for this shortcoming, and help me to improve my patience and love for her. What does my daughter need? What could I do to help her? Hmmm… I think that next time this situation happens again, I can try…”⁣

So much more useful, right?!⁣

I find myself starting a real conversation.

I find myself listening to promptings.

I find myself pleading for true forgiveness instead of just saying it. ⁣

And ultimately, I’ve found myself changing much more!⁣

Which is the point of repentance – that we feel Godly remorse, turn to our Savior, and truly and sincerely try not to repeat it again. ⁣

Have you tried making this change before? Do you want to try it now?⁣

Make those prayers of forgiveness heavy, real, and specific…⁣

And I believe true miracles can come from this sincerity of heart.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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