What’s your “conversion story”?

It might have been fast and immediate, like turning on a lightbulb.

Or maybe it was more like a sunrise, where one day you realized you already had that full light inside of you.

Or maybe it’s been a series of light switches, sunrises, and strobe lights as you’ve reconnected with God over and over.

I’m not sure what Jacob’s testimony was like before his journey in the wilderness.

But it sure seems like his experience with seeing a vision of the ladder was his big conversion moment.

He reflected after this big vision:

“If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God”. (Genesis 28:20-21)

In other words, if God is doing all of these amazing things for me, then I will absolutely choose for the Lord to be my God.

Isn’t that the crux of most testimonies?

The moment we realize and internalize just how much God has actually done for us individually.

The blessings we have. The love we feel from the Savior. The sacrifices that we appreciate. The peace that He extends to us.

But I think a “testimony moment” is a lot more than just having this realization.

It’s a moment where this realization is coupled with this immediate desire to stay as close to the Lord as possible for the rest of our lives.

“… then shall the Lord be my God.”

Have you chosen to make the Lord your God yet?

And if you made that decision and felt that conversion a long time ago, have you felt it renewed in your heart recently?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I love your take on this! I was reading it like, if you WILL do all this for me, THEN I will worship you. You are saying it is more of, wow, look at all you’ve done for me and because you have done this and this and all this, then I will for sure worship you! I love that! Thank you!

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