What do you know about apostles?

Did you know that we sustain all 15 apostles as “prophets, seers, and revelators”?

Did you know that all 15 living prophets today are set apart as “special witnesses of Jesus Christ”?

They have unique permission and ability to testify of Jesus Christ anywhere in the world with that special priesthood power. 

It’s all about JESUS.

As you start to review and reread General Conference talks, try to see if you can find where each of them bear witness of Jesus Christ somewhere in their message.

And even 2,000 years ago, we had another great example in Paul.

Paul was a perfect example of always bearing witness of Jesus Christ.

In every letter he wrote, he testified of Christ.

He taught of Christ’s abilities.

And then gave correction or specific direction as needed. ⁣

Listen to Paul’s words:

⁣”And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” (Ephesians 2:20)

We may not have the title of being a “special witness of Jesus Christ.”

But are we still His witness?

Do we mention Christ in our prayers?


Lessons? ⁣

Do we speak of Christ openly with those around us?

Even our own family members?⁣

Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of this church and of this gospel.

And Jesus Christ can be the chief cornerstone of our lives, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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