I’m going to take a guess that Nephi wasn’t expecting what he was shown.

Nephi asked the Spirit for an interpretation of his father’s dream.

And I can just imagine how he was expecting a clear verbal explanation for each element.

But instead…

Nephi was taught the most important lesson any of us can learn:

Jesus is always the answer!

The angel showed Nephi a vision of young Mary holding her child.

And immediately, Nephi knew that the tree of life represents the love of God!

The angel showed Jesus preaching. “Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Son of God going forth among the children of men; and I saw many fall down at his feet and worship him.” (1 Nephi 11:24)

And clearly, Nephi knew that the iron rod was the word of God!

The angel showed the 12 apostles going out to preach after Jesus’ crucifixion and being persecuted.

And immediately, Nephi knew that the great and spacious building was the pride of the world.

How cool is that?

Christ WAS the interpretation of the dream!

And Christ can be the interpretation of our lives, too.

When we stay close to the Savior and learn about His life and His teachings…

We can clearly see the phone call from our friend as the love of God.

We can see the three verses of scripture we tried to read during a busy day as the word of God.

We can see that witty Instagram page as a manifestation of the pride of the world.

Jesus is always the answer.

And focusing on Him helps us to see our journeys clearly!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you Cali. This message about Jesus being the answer really touched me. We lost our 24 year old son last month in an accident. It has been a struggle to find answers that would ease the sadness and emptiness. I’m becoming more content while learning to accept that the ‘Lord’s ways are not our ways.’ So your message means a lot to me. Many thanks.

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