This is my 521st post on @comefollowmestudy.

Since my purpose for this account is to help others find meaningful personal applications in every single scripture, I’ve told a lot of personal stories.

If you’ve been around since the beginning, you probably know a lot about me.

But you still don’t even know the hundredth part of who I am.

Not because I’m holding back.

But because I am so much.

I feel the same way when I introduce myself to new people, or I’m asked to share an interesting fact about myself.

How do I really share and capture who I am?

Everything that I’m interested in, hopes that I have, fears that I have, life lessons I feel passionately about, random opinions I’ve formed, deep ponderings from my testimony, the importance of who I really am, the love I feel for others…

As Mormon writes to us in the Third Book of Nephi, he mentions that he cannot record even the hundredth part of everything that happened within this ancient civilization.

The Book of Mormon really only captures the stories of a few people living through really complicated times, with some additional commentary and summaries.

It’s a really small glimpse of the whole big picture.

And that’s what we share with others every day – a little glimpse into who we truly are.

And I think there’s value in remembering that about other people as well.

You only know a hundredth part of anyone’s real story, their full background, personality, future, and purpose.

And that’s what makes life messy.

But guess who does know the real full picture?

Who knows your true worth and understands every little quirk, love, anxiety, and passion?

AND everyone else’s?

Our Heavenly Parents and our Savior.

They know who everyone truly is.

They know who you truly are. Really – all of you. And They still love you unconditionally.

Life with mortal men and women can be messy, but life with a knowledge of who we truly are can be beautiful.

So let’s look at each other with a little more grace, and be at peace that we will be misunderstood and misjudged over and over. Because we all can only see a hundredth part of anyone’s story.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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