I always laugh when I read this scripture.

I can picture righteous Jacob, trying to convince the Nephites more fully of Christ, just throwing his hands up at the end of his sermon. ⁣

“Just be mature and smart, and I won’t need to keep giving you directions on every little thing!”⁣

“O be wise; what can I say more?” (Jacob 6:12)

I feel like President Nelson can relate. ⁣

How exactly do we keep the Sabbath day holy?!

How do we gather Israel?!

How do we keep our covenants?!

Just be wise. ⁣

You have knowledge. Now, counsel with your Father in Heaven, and just make good choices. ⁣

I obviously don’t know exactly what the living arrangements in heaven will be like, but I like to picture myself living by righteous saints from all walks of life and all time periods!

Some kept the Law of Moses while on earth.

Some served missions for multiple years around the world.

Some saw Jesus.

Some had the Come, Follow Me program.

Some held church in a small isolated house. ⁣

There’s no single “right way” to do everything we are supposed to do. ⁣

Essentially, we have been told to “be wise”. ⁣

We use our knowledge of Sabbath day observance, scripture study, teaching principles, modern-day prophets, love of family, and so much more…⁣

And we apply those principles with as much spiritual maturity as we can. ⁣

This doesn’t mean perfection is our goal (or even attainable).

But we do our best to gather our knowledge and seek for wisdom.

We study correct principles, and then we figure out how they are going to realistically and wholeheartedly apply to our lives.

If we are doing this, then we are choosing to be wise.

And there’s not much more to say.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I love the way you always bring scriptural accounts into everyday living! I grew up in and with spoonfed directions in church. I’ve just begun to see the flexibility of the doctrines and how they can be consistent in so many different daily situations. The small daily actions that you share have opened my eyes to the simplicity and vastness of their applications. Thanks for your time and efforts to share these truths!

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