I originally wanted to write a post today about the importance of being still in a crazy, busy life.

And it’s absolutely true.

“Be still, and know that I am God”. (Psalm 46:10)

But I can’t stop thinking about the second half of this phrase.

Like, I haven’t been able to get it out of my head all week.

“Know that I am God.”

Do we know who God is?

Do we know what it means for the God of the Universe to also be our loving Heavenly Father?

Do we know that God knows everything?

That He knows the end from the beginning?

He knows our divine worth and our weaknesses.

He creates.

He orchestrates.

He loves.

Do we know who God is, what He knows, what He does, and who He loves?

Because when I reflect on the glimpses of truth that I know about my God, I want to find even more still moments.

My problems don’t seem as big.

My priorities become sharpened.

My desire to share selfless love with others is strengthened.

My distractions seem silly.

Yes, it is vitally important for us to find stillness in the craziness of life.

But I think it’s even more important to know what to do during those quiet times.



Love God.

Be still.

And know who God is.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. I love this so much. It is the basis of ALL we do and are supposed to do – all service, all obedience, all covenants, all love for others, and the very purpose of this life – to know and become like Him. Thank you for this. You are inspiring!

  2. I love your little snippets! This post was so needed. Our family is going through some really hard stuff right now, and it was such a good reminder to take some time and ponder on who God is and what he is capable of doing. Thanks!????

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