Brainwashed. A cult. Blindly following leaders.

I’ve heard it all about my religion.

But check out what we read in the Introduction to the Book of Mormon:

I could argue all day with people that I’m not a child. I’m not someone who follows blindly. I’m not uneducated. 

But their argument completely breaks down when I bear testimony of the Book of Mormon. 

I didn’t just finally believe someone that the Book of Mormon was true.

I had a personal, powerful experience that led 14-year-old me to realize that this book was powerful and true.

(I posted about this recently – shoutout to Mosiah 4:9 for giving me this realization.)

And I continue to have personal and powerful experiences with the Book of Mormon. 

Completely independent of what other people are telling me what I should or should not be doing. 


Joseph Smith was told that his name would be had for good and for evil throughout the world. And boy is Satan working on fulfilling that prophesy full-time. 

But he can’t take away the personal witnesses that millions of people have received while reading this book and acting on its words.

And the cool part? We can get this witness over and over if we ask with real intent. 

In fact, what a cool way to start your study of the Book of Mormon: Skip to the last chapter. Moroni Chapter 10. Read it and pray.

Your powerful witness might come all at once. Your powerful witness might come gradually as you make the Book of Mormon more important in your life this year. 

But the witness will come. 

Not to someone else who is “more important” or “more worthy” than you. 

The witness will come to you. 

I’m so grateful for a religion that encourages me to study and decide on my own. Here’s to a new year with a study of the Book of Mormon leading the way!

Happy Studying!

Cali Black



One Response

  1. I am currently attending BYU-I and I am taking an online class about the Teachings of the Book of Mormon. This week one of the things that we read was the introduction to The Book of Mormon. I thought what a wonderful way to start. Everytime I go to read The Book of Mormon I tend to jump straight to 1 Nephi and I skip over the Introduction and Testimonies. I am so glad that Come Follow Me study focused first on Introduction and the Testimonies. One quote that I found that helped build my own testimony was “… Through all of these years critics have tried to explain it. They have spoken against it. They have ridiculed it. But it has outlived them all, and its influence today is greater than at any time in its history” (The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain, Ensign 2007). This quote hit me hard. I took time to reflect and realize that The Book of Mormon is standing the test of time. Many people come and try to disprove the Book of Mormon, but not once has it been broken down. I see the Book of Mormon and I see it standing tall and proud for what it is. I hope that I can be more like that. Standing tall and being true to who I am. A daughter of God. I love how you mentioned that once you bear your testimony everything else fades away. This helps me realize how important testimonies are and how powerful they can be! This blog has inspired me to be more faithful to who I am. I love the work that you are doing and hope that I can inspire others as you have inspired me!

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