It was about a year ago that I got to hear President Nelson speak here in Arizona.

One of the memories that still stands out to me a year later from attending that devotional was Sister Nelson’s talk

She mentioned distinct witnesses she had received in the previous year since her husband had been called as the Prophet.

She talked about how President Nelson now gets up in the middle of the night quite often to record thoughts in a yellow notepad next to his bed.

And she even mentioned one specific morning when she felt impressed to wake up early, get out of bed, and do things around the house for a couple of hours, after which President Nelson emerged from their bedroom telling her that she wouldn’t believe what had been occurring in their room for the past two hours.

I thought about this a lot as I read Nephi testifying that he had seen his Redeemer. And that he knew Jacob had seen his Redeemer as well. And then he quotes Isaiah who speaks about seeing his Savior.

Christ does not hide himself from his prophets. 

I have felt the Spirit witness that this is true.

But I also know that Christ does not hide himself from any of us who truly seek him. 

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said in his final talk in April 1985: “In a coming day I shall feel the nail marks in his hands and in his feet and shall wet his feet with my tears. 

“But I shall not know any better then than I know now that he is God’s Almighty Son, that he is our Savior and Redeemer”. 

Do we KNOW who our Savior is, just like Isaiah, and Nephi, and Jacob, and our modern prophets? 

Would seeing our Savior today change our faith, or just solemnly confirm what we already know?

Isaiah, as complicated as his writings can be, always centered his prophecies around CHRIST. 

What a pure reminder of our most important priority. Not serving in a calling, not having perfect church attendance, not staying up on Come Follow Me.  

But KNOWING who our Savior is. Recognizing his love. Praising him for his miracles. And then continuing to know that we know him. 

And when we are able to find that knowledge here, in this messy mortal state, imagine the joy that the reunion will bring in the next life! 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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