Let’s be real, when are women ever mentioned first in scripture?!

If they are even mentioned at all.

And yet when Mormon wrote out this story about Korihor’s actions, he wrote that Korihor was preaching his carnally-pleasing message, “leading away many women”… and then he added “and also men”. (Alma 30:18)

To me, this JUMPED off the pages as I read. The “men” part sounded like an afterthought. ⁣

Korihor affected women the most. ⁣

He clearly appealed to their pride. ⁣

He caused them to commit sin, thinking of no consequence. ⁣

He turned them against their religious traditions. ⁣

He made them think it was foolish to believe in something they couldn’t see.

It seems like women were extremely susceptible to Korihor’s wicked teachings. ⁣

So, how are we doing today?

Are we falling for Korihor’s sneaky deceptions?

Guess what our prophet has specifically said?

“We need women who can detect deception in all of its forms.” – President Nelson

To recognize the same exact teachings that Korihor shouted, but in our media, news, apps, entertainment, and conversations. ⁣

We’ve been asked to stand up when something that is a societal norm or even a part of “church culture” doesn’t sit right with us.

To receive personal revelation and then lead with confidence and love. ⁣

For me, this leads to some reflection.

Have I let any sins become “acceptable” in my life?

Have I become lax, or indulged in pride? ⁣

How can I better take a stand?⁣

Because we have been promised that in these final days, the good women of the world will be drawn to the Church because of the example of strong, righteous women. ⁣

We need to be seen calling out sin and standing up for what is right. ⁣

Instead of being the first to fall away into temptingly easy and pleasurable paths…⁣

We can use our influence to bring others to Christ.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Korihor’s story has always stood out to me from the Book of Mormon as being important and memorable. Sister Julie B. Beck spoke about this exact verse years ago at a BYU Devotional, and that talk is used in a class on the Family at BYU-I. The power and influence of women is massive, and it’s so important to remember that and pay attention to what is influencing us as well.

    Thank you for your posts and emails! I always enjoy your thoughts.

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