At a class I took at BYU, we had to write two papers for the class.

When the first paper was due, the professor highly suggested we meet with the Teacher Assistants (TA’s) to go over it before turning it in.

I didn’t bother doing this; I was sure I could figure it out on my own.

And… when I got my grade on my final paper, I did not like it.

I realized I had misunderstood one portion of the paper prompt.

This poor grade on the paper brought my overall class grade down dramatically!

So guess what I did for the SECOND paper of the class?

When that second paper was almost due, I signed up to meet with a TA.

It was completely free, only took about 15 minutes of my time, and she told me exactly what to fix.

She also made note of my name so that when I turned my paper in, she would be the one to grade it.

It was literally such a painless and easy process.

Guess what grade I got on that paper?

A literal perfect score.

I was frustrated with myself for not meeting with a TA the first time around. Why had I left such simple, free help on the table?!

I imagine Enoch felt a similar exacerbation as he spoke to the wicked people.

In Moses 6:43 he says, “Why counsel ye yourselves, and deny the God of heaven?”

In other words, why are you trying to give each other counsel and figure it out yourselves, when you have a loving God who literally wants to tell you all of the exact right things to do to make it back to Him?!

We don’t have to guess.

God WANTS to help us each step of the way.

But we do have to ask and claim the help we’ve been offered.

Are we leaving heavenly help on the table by forgetting to ask for it?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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