One of the trickiest things I’ve struggled with in religion are these kinds of phrases.

These phrases that sound so good at first. They make beautiful graphics. Everyone nods in agreement and writes them down.

Phrases like, or variations of, “Don’t judge.” “Love everyone.” “You are important.”

But what do these phrases actually LOOK like in day-to-day living?

I guess that’s why I made this account and started this whole journey.

I’ve always wanted to move past some of the platitudes in the scriptures and conference talks, and instead talk about what they actually look like in real, messy situations.

And that’s what made me love President Nelson’s talk.

Because he talked about “God will prevail”, which sounds really nice and important.

But he also gave tons of examples of applications. Among them:

“When your greatest desire is to let God prevail, to be part of Israel, so many decisions become easier.

“So many issues become nonissues!

“You know how best to groom yourself.

“You know what to watch and read, where to spend your time, and with whom to associate.

“You know what you want to accomplish.

“You know the kind of person you really want to become.”


These types of statements are what give life and meaning to those “platitudes”.

If I let God prevail in my life, what do I actually want to accomplish with the time I’ve been given?

If I let God prevail in my life, what kinds of attitudes and characteristics do I want to develop, and what things should I let fall away?

If I let God prevail in my life… (insert basically any life question here!).

And suddenly, it all makes a little more sense.

I don’t think anyone (at least anyone reading this) would disagree that letting God prevail sounds like a bad idea.

But I think it is essential to take that time to ponder and think – what does letting God prevail actually look like in my career choice? In how I comfort my child? In how I use my time?

Because that is true religion – letting lofty and godly ideals shape our actions here on earth.

So how are you applying this? How are YOU choosing to let God prevail right now? Share below! 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



9 Responses

  1. I let God prevail in my life when I turn to him when I’m tempted. When I turn to him when I am down and thinking I’m not worth much. When I hear the voice in my head that says you don’t deserve to live, I know that it comes from Satan. But I also know I can call upon God to prevail over Satan. Thank you for making this more real for me.

  2. I let God prevail in my life when I turn to Him in prayer. I definitely need to seek His guidance more often.
    Unfortunately, at times, I tend to allow worrisome thoughts and fear get in the way of my turning to Heavenly Father as much as I should. It’s during these times when I’m feeling this way, that I need God more than ever! I know I need to pray daily as I always feel so much better when I pray for strength and guidance. I have no doubt, Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers!

  3. I let God prevail when I act upon his promptings immediately, when I put others first. I listen when I pause before responding in a negative way to a child and when I pray before acting in my church calling – and well before everything- when I make my prayers personal conversations. I let God prevail when I listen.

    1. I like what you are stating. There was a time when I can say I lived like that also. Slowly life unexplainable & very unusual trials and tribulations have come my way. I have slipped. My guard went down. I want THAT person back. YOU just inspired me by your comments to try even harder. Thank you.

  4. If God is to prevail in my life, I need to listen and act quickly to the whispering I receive. Sometimes I get wax in my ear and hear some of the loud whispers, but not all the quiet ones. (Just ask my wonderful, loving wife) I need to physically and spiritually remove that wax so the prompting can be heard better. Just plain take time to read, ponder, listen, and act. I have improved over this year, but as with everything there is still a ways to Go. Humbly, let God prevail….and be a force in gathering Israel.

  5. Im learning to let God prevail! Too often I am trying to manage everything on my own! In my prayers Im always asking for help in recognizing the promptings I know are being given to me, then act on them, not question them! Just simply letting go and mustering that complete trust and faith is something I’ll always be working on, each day!
    Thank you for your inspiration!!!

  6. I let God Prevail when a loved ones path isn’t the path I’d like for them. It’s trusting that their story isn’t over, and there’s a lot more that can happen that I don’t see happening right now. Ultimately, even if their path choice isn’t the best one for them, it’s still their path, and God is still aware of them and loves them just as much as He does me. Letting God pevail , to me, means trusting his timing, and his unconditional love in the lives of those I love and care about.

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